December 7, 2009

Why Is It Business As Usual at Copenhagen?

Human beings are funny sometimes.

One hundred years ago, industry and manufacturing were praised as the mules upon the backs of which the American and European economies rose to power. One hundred years later today, the industrialized world seems to be kicking itself for succeeding at the expense of our planet.

Can anyone remember specifically when the topic of anthropogenic (man-made) climate change became the theme-du-jour among world leaders and activists? The environmental movement has been around for decades, but it seems that only recently have proponents of man-made global warming received the attention they so craved.

At first, it seemed as if the only people who cared about global warming were a handful of climatologists and environmental activists. Enter former Vice President Al Gore from stage left.

Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth came out in May of 2006, almost four years ago. The documentary largely consisted of a live slide show presentation given by Gore himself, the topic of which was global warming as caused by man-made carbon dioxide emissions.

I am a political scientist, not a climatologist, so I left the research and the analysis of data to the appropriate experts; the details will not be covered here, save for the main argumentative points of each side of the global warming debate. What I will be covering are the clear political implications and mechanisms that now define the AGW (anthropogenic global warming) debate more so than does the actual science.

An Inconvenient Truth was lauded by critics, world leaders, and audiences alike as being one of the most important documentaries recently made. At the Sundance Film Festival at which it was first played for audiences, the documentary received three standing ovations; 66% of viewers polled said that the film changed their mind about global warming, while 74% of viewers said that they would change their daily habits as a result of knowledge gained from the film. The documentary also won an Academy Award; Al Gore himself (along with the currently-scandalized Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)) won a Nobel Peace Prize for his work.

Within a couple years, governments, politicians, and populations were sounding the siren call for action on climate change. The predictions and views in An Inconvenient Truth were alarmist at best and downright fallacious at worst, but upon the proximate release of the doomsday film The Day After Tomorrow, people were ready to believe that the world would destroy itself with massive hurricanes and catastrophic weather phenomena if immediate human action was not taken to curtail global warming.

One thing on which both sides of the AGW argument agree is that Earth’s climate has been changing since the planet’s creation. There have always been periods of warming, just as there have been periods of cooling (the Ice Age, anyone?). Most of these climate changes have taken place without global industrialization; where the two sides of the AGW argument differ, however, is how much impact the relatively recent industrialization of much of the world is the main culprit in the alleged current warming trend. People on Al Gore’s side claim that the carbon dioxide emissions from industry, transportation, and energy production are the main culprit in the recent upswing in global temperatures, since carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. Those who oppose this view claim that humans’ role is overstated, and that the energy output of the Sun is the real determinate of global temperatures, as has clearly been the case since time immemorial.

To me, both arguments seem to hold weight, although I tend to side with those who believe that, if the globe is getting warmer, then it’s most likely due to the gigantic ball of fire that gave our planet life rather than SUVs and cow farts.

I’ll spare my readers the intricate details of each argument; you all are big kids now, so pull up your Pull-Ups and research for yourself.

What has only been talked about in the past couple weeks, however, is what many climate change skeptics have been dealing with for years: what they rightly call “the politicization of science” in which the scientific process and results are manipulated for political gain. Due to the recent “ClimateGate” scandal in which reams of emails and documents from the University of East Anglia’s climatology department were hacked and leaked to the public, these claims of politicization seem to be pretty much on-target.

To make a long story short, the hacked emails and documents suggest collusion among the scientists and professors involved to manipulate or cover up certain scientific data that was harmful to the alarmist conclusions of the proponents of AGW. Some of the emails also indicate that dissenting opinion on the topic in the scientific community was actively suppressed in order to give the impression of consensus in the scientific community (see Al Gore’s quote during his Senate hearing where he angrily insists that there is consensus on the issue). This is all in addition to the revelation that entire sets of raw climate data were deleted, possibly after there were Freedom of Information requests for that data. If that isn’t politicization of science, I don’t know what is.

Of course, those scientists and professors involved are screaming “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!!” They claim that the emails in question were a tempest in a teacup, and that what was revealed has no impact on the aforementioned “consensus” that global warming is largely man-made and MUST BE STOPPED. World leaders are also saying how much of a shame it would be if this “all-important action on climate change” wasn’t taken by the governments of the world in order to avert disaster because of a “few” leaked emails and documents.

This is not science, ladies and gentlemen. This is politics, unabashed and sinister politics. The current global warming conference in Copenhagen, Denmark is proof-positive of this.

Such politicization is not new, however, but the Copenhagen summit isn’t just a powwow of world leaders; it’s not a United Nations meeting. It is one of the most prominent examples of governments coming together in an international setting to enact both international and domestic policies geared toward a political goal. The only other example that comes to mind is the Geneva Convention.

It is interesting to note that the atmosphere (pun intended) of the Copenhagen summit is strikingly similar to the atmosphere of Barack Obama’s presidential campaign. Copenhagen is now dubbed “Hopenhagen;” the summit began with a video of children pleading with their leaders to not let them die a catastrophic death related to a rise in global temperatures. My God, who wouldn’t want to do something about climate change?? There are also sad-faced pictures of the G8 leaders aged by ten years, with quotes from the year 2020 expressing dismay at “not doing anything about climate change” back in 2009 when they had the chance. The AGW campaigners have actually made the most powerful people on earth feel like giant asses before the summit has begun, as if to preempt any non-action against the global warming bogeyman. And, both thematically and literally, President Barack Obama is those leaders’ Great Black Hope in the fight against global warming, which is why he will be the last leader to make a presentation at the summit. What way to seal the deal on a new form of global governance than to have the summit’s closing argument be given by the world’s most beloved politician?

What’s even more ludicrous is the action which the AGW proponents support in order to combat this change. If Al Gore’s supporters are correct and the past century of industrialization has dramatically altered the global climate, then their solutions sound like the equivalent of shooting an incoming tornado with a shotgun in order to save one’s house. In order to prevent the polar ice caps from melting and entire populations of people and animals from dying in scenes straight out of The Day After Tomorrow, emissions from the globe’s most industrious nations will be “cut” somehow by around 20% for most nations. The United States has even agreed to have carbon emissions down 83% of the 1990 level by 2050! Wow! And the European Union has agreed to institute binding legislation for all its member states, even without an agreement at Copenhagen! Oh yeah, and all those developing nations in Asia and Africa will have to transfer all their third-world energy production into clean energy, of course, since the African Dream of industrialization and modernization might force polar bears to swim a little more than usual.

And now that ClimateGate has torn a gaping hole in the alleged scientific consensus on AGW (or, at the very least, called into question the need for global governance on the issue), the Copenhagen summit is trucking along full-speed ahead without so much as a hiccup from those parties involved. Again, “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!”

Frankly, that seals the deal: the fact that it’s business-as-usual in Copenhagen among the globe’s most powerful leaders, something which is rarely (if ever) achieved so harmoniously, is absolutely indicative of something much larger than just cutting carbon emissions. Such action can be taken by legislative action inside the countries involved at the summit. There exists no global governmental body with the power to set, monitor, and enforce emissions levels, but such mechanisms to cut emissions exist within the framework of the countries themselves. So then why is a global summit needed except to establish such a global governmental entity? Why else would the world’s most powerful leaders get together in Denmark other than to set up a brand-new body of global bureaucrats whose job it is to set, monitor, and enforce emissions cuts?

There has been much documentation of the conspiracy theories about the New World Order of global governance by elites. Alex Jones’ film The Fall of the Republic lays out in detail these theories, and the people who have so often called Jones and his supporters “cranks” and “wack-job conspiracy theorists” are becoming less and less convincing. We have in the Copenhagen summit a unique opportunity for globalists to completely dissolve any guise of national sovereignty, something which is essentially already lost among the parties of the European Union. If a governmental body was set up that would set, monitor, and enforce emissions policies in all involved countries around the world, then that entity would have direct influence on the legislative processes and the market economies around the world.

The Copenhagen summit is anti-business, anti-industry, anti-development, and essentially anti-success. Here in the United States, manufacturing has mostly been outsourced to China and other developing nations for cheaper labor costs. Under Barack Obama’s leadership and the Copenhagen summit, the United States is poised to see a complete systemic collapse of what remains of the manufacturing and industrial base which made this country as economically powerful as it used to be. Americans want cleaner energy and cleaner industry; this is demonstrated clearly by market forces which demonstrate that more and more people want cleaner, more fuel-efficient cars and “green” households, so long as the costs don’t skyrocket. But the globalists have co-opted that growing desire and twisted it to mean that more and more people support a global “solution” to global warming. And frankly, with the alarmist forecasts of massive hurricanes, melting polar ice caps, disappearing cute polar bears, arid desert/drought scenes, and entire land masses flooded, who wouldn’t have cause for concern?

Scratch the calloused surface, though, and it doesn’t take much to realize that something much more ominous is at play, here. Clearly the Copenhagen summit is about more than just the sketchy anthropogenic global warming cause, and if Barack Obama is at all the representative of the American people as he claims to be, then he should consider protecting American sovereignty rather than frittering it away in Denmark.

For a good documentary on the other side of the global warming debate that the Copenhagen cohorts don't want you to hear, go to:
The Great Global Warming Swindle

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