October 22, 2008

Who's Voting For Obama? An Eyewitness Report

Here on the University of Miami campus, it's pretty clear on which side of the political bread most people put their butter. One cannot walk twenty feet without seeing an Obama sticker, banner, flag, T-shirt, pin, or sign. This doesn't surprise me, obviously. The utopia of an oasis-like campus in between Miami and Coral Gables easily fosters rampant liberalism. It can be disheartening, though, for a realist conservative.

My mind seems to run at about 10,000 RPM's, when it's working properly. While this sounds desirable, I'd rather it slow down and not run at the red-line point all the time. I guess you can call it ADD or whatever (although I'm hesitant to use that term, since it's so overused these days), but it's difficult to focus my mind on one matter, especially when that one matter revolves around something important that I have to do, like schoolwork. It's less bothersome when I'm doing something mundane, like walking back to my dormitory. So today, as I was walking back to my dorm, I started listing the types of people who I saw supporting Obama. Here's the list, written to the best of my memory.
Nota Bene: Don't think that these categorizations apply to ALL people of these descriptions. If you think that's what I mean, then you need to realize that, no, I don't mean everyone of that group thinks this way or that way. Get a grip.

Black People

Obviously. African-Americans vote, as a bloc, mostly Democrat, but Obama has brought out those blacks that usually don't vote, adding to the percentage. Obama also enjoys the support of some black conservatives or black Republicans, such as Colin Powell. Are blacks voting for Obama because he's (half) black? Yes, that is one undeniable reason. Is it the only reason? No, absolutley not. The fact that he's (half) black just sweetens the pot. He's a chance to get "one of them" into the White House. The messianic comparisons are not so absurd as some people think. A lot of black people really do believe that he will solve all of America's problems. "Change" is not just an alternative to George W. Bush, as Obama supporters say, but in addition, it's a change of race, which excites black people, for obvious reasons. I've yet to witness a black UM student who doesn't support Obama, and if someone finds one for me, I'll give them a nice firm handshake and a pat on the back.

Gay People

Another obvious one. I don't think I need to get too far into this one. Homosexuals feel repressed, and, like most diehard liberals, think that Obama will end this oppression and empower them. Gays believe in Obama's other positions, too, of course, but their main bone of contention is gay marriage.

"Cool" People

Being conservative isn't cool. Don't believe me? Watch MTV, VH1, BET, all those channels, and tell me who pretty much EVERYone supports. Many people I see wearing the shirts or brandishing the pins most likely couldn't have a serious conversation about politics, but hell, Obama seems like a really nice guy, and everyone popular is really into him, and, oh, did you hear?? He's BLACK!! That's so cool! These people make me sick because they'll ruin a nation just to go with the cool crowd. You all fail.


What's a pansy, you ask? It's a pretty broad concept, but here, it means physically (and usually mentally) weak people. I'm not talking about physically or mentally handicapped people. I'm talking about the people who really don't seem to eat much, who never seem to make it to the gym (or any sporting event in which they participate), and who wear clothes that enhance this weakness. People who fall into this category are emo kids, goth kids, hipsters, and anyone else who doesn't fit into those categories, but fits the description.

I've always maintained that those who are weak and slow in body are equally weak and slow in mind and morality, so these people are going to vote for Obama because conservative people are such fucking asshole Nazis. Any manifestation of solid principles or moral backbone makes these people suspicious because everything is relative to them: culture, gender, race, society, religion, EVERYthing. When you take a definite stance on any of these things, these people will be quick to jump on you and call you bigoted, even when your stance is completely valid. I have little respect for these people because their beliefs are so indefensible. How can you defend belief in nothing? How can you believe in non-belief? How can you even take a definite stance that everything is relative, or constructed by society, and is therefore not real? Absurd. Completely absurd.

Older Liberals Who Still Think They're Doing The Right Thing

These people are thirty years old or older, and still think the way that the above-mentioned people do, for whatever reason. These people are the hardest to debate with because they're so stubbornly set in their ways due to years of crippling liberalism. Everything that goes wrong is the fault of Republicans and conservatives, even though the liberal politicians they supported in the past clearly initiated the problems (read: The current subprime mortgage/recession crisis). I respect these people for their age, but time spent on the earth doesn't always make you wiser.

Ex-Communist/Socialist Citizens

These people used to live in socialist or communist countries and then immigrated into the United States. Included in this list are the offspring of these immigrants. In contrast to many Cubans who have thrown off the yoke of collectivist leftist oppression in return for the GOP, though, these people still think that socialism and communism are still viable, good solutions for America's problems. They neglect to realize that, if those leftist ideologies were so great, they'd probably still be in their places of origin! Oops!

Well, that wraps up the list. I'm sure you can find your own unique groups of people in your area who are supporting Obama! Let me know, I'm interested to see what you find.

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